Member Information
Click below:Article 4, of our Articles of Incorporation states, "The corporation will have membership available to all sincere persons, of all paths and persuasions, interested in an opportunity to connect with others as a community to aid their intellectual, personal and spiritual development."
Article III, Section 1. MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS of our Bylaws states,. "A. Anyone wishing to become a member must sign the Membership document(s).
B. Any person aged fourteen (14) or over may become a member of Garden Source Spiritual Center by signing the Membership document in the presence of the Community Coordinator or other person designated to act in the Community Coordinator’s absence. Those persons who have not attained legal majority shall have written approval of his/her custodial parent(s) or guardian(s). C. Regular participation in community activities is a requirement for membership to Garden Source Spiritual Center. Any member’s ability or inability to contribute financially to Garden Source Spiritual Center shall not be a consideration relating to membership. Members are invited to support the fellowship with any monies, tangible goods, or work activities needed for Garden Source Spiritual Center." |
Click below:GSSC Membership PolicyAs a community organization, we are defining who are able to guide it forward. Guidance needs to be informed by participation with the community. As such, we propose the following definition of regular participation for our community guides, the voting members:
1) Participation will be measured annually, using a one year period beginning June 21st. 2) Included are any GSSC Inc sponsored events, fellowship meetings, or community-shared communications. Participation will not include council meetings or membership meetings as they are operational. 3) Participation requires members to stay informed. This means members must provide valid contact information; preferably a valid email, but may include their phone number and/or mail address, to allow communications regarding GSSC Inc. This form of communication must remain valid and be updated when changed. 4) Participation can be in multiple forms and will be defined as hours for the purpose of record-keeping. The total participation per year a member must meet is 200 hours. Any combination of hours can be used to achieve the total. a) Two hours for physical presence at a GSSC Inc. fellowship or sponsored event, possibly more as warranted. b) One hour for participating in electronic discussions in a meaningful and relevant manner. c) One hour for each volunteer hour done in service for GSSC Inc. d) One hour for every $10 donated to GSSC with a maximum of 50 hours in this category. 5) A special waiver may be applied for in advance for prolonged educational, missionary, or military reasons only but must still include 3 hours participation. |